2022 Feng Shui Tips
Annually, all of
us have to be aware of the location of the three afflictions
in Feng Shui i.e. the location of the Tai Sui, 5 Yellow and 3
killings. These 3 locations are occupied by killing or harmful
qi (energy). Any disturbance within these afflicted sectors
will bring bad luck, sickness and loss to the residents of the
building. By disturbance we mean vibration of the wall or the
floor caused by renovation such as digging,
knocking or drilling.

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Feng Shui Color and Shape
The practice of feng shui today
has deviated from our ancestral teaching of classical feng shui so much that today many feng shui
practitioners and masters do not understand why their practice sometime
work and sometime don't. All these are partly due to the fast wide spread
information of the internet.

Classical feng shui practice teaches us that qi or energies are best
represented by colors and shapes and one of the most basic cycles is
represented here.
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Water Feng Shui
Water is the most potent Feng Shui enhancer or
remedy for good money and wealth luck if
place on the right location
(Wealth Spot) and at the
right time. Feng Shui is about wind and water. If we understand the qi
that rides on the wind that comes to our main door, we can determine our
income or wealth luck of the house.
Pi Yao
originally known as Pi Xie is a Chinese mythical creature
considered to be a very powerful protector. It resembles a
winged lion. Pi Yao is considered an influential and
auspicious creature for wealth. It is said to have an
extremely great appetite for gold and silver.

Traditionally to
the Chinese, Pi Yao has always been regarded as an auspicious
creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing
Wealth. Thus, it is helpful for those who are in need of money
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Wu Wang, the most evil
earth star
In Flying Star Feng Shui, an annual star visits each sector of the
house every year. The annual visiting star changes location every year
particularly at the beginning of the solar year, and it stays in that
particular sector of the Bagua for the rest of the year.
In protective feng shui, most importantly, you should know the
location of annual star 5. This is because the annual star 5 is currently
the most evil star, and you should not disturb it. The annual visiting
star number 5 of flying star Feng Shui is known as the Five Yellow. It is
also known as Wu Wang in Chinese. Wu Wang is an earth element affliction.
When it is disturbed, it brings financial loss, obstacles to success and
obstacles in relationship, severe illness and accidents.
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Collection of Articles written by TY Tan for Golf Malaysia Magazine,
the leading magazine for Golfers.
May 2008 : Feng Shui for
June 2008 : Auspicious
Keys To Build
July 2008 : Building
your own Home
August 2008 : The Colours of
Feng Shui
September 2008 : Water Energy for
Financial Success
October 2008 : Water Feng Shui for
Income & Wealth
November 2008 :
External Natural Water Dragon
December 2008 : Exterior Artificial
Water Dragon
January 2009 :
2009 - The
Year of the OX
February 2009 : Interior Water Dragon
March 2009 : Water Mouth as Wealth
April 2009 :
Feng Shui of South 1 Facing House
June 2009 : Feng Shui of
South West 1 Facing House
August 2009 :
Was MJ's passing untimely?
September 2009 : Feng Shui of
South West 2/3 facing House
November 2009 :
Feng Shui of West 2/3
facing House
Water Feng Shui
Special Water Formation
There are
various water formations that denote a good circulation of qi. Avoid areas that
have negative water formations since the qi that comes in is already negative.
Auspicious water formations are Jade Belt Water, Curve Water, Converging Water Formation and Cascading Water.
Negative water formations are
Bow Formation, Cutting Feet Water and Piercing Shoulder Water.
Feng Shui Water Formation
The "Magic Gourd"
The Magic Gourd
commonly known as the calabash or Wu Lo is an ancient health
miracle wonder. The dried out gourd is used by the Chinese as
container for medicine and wines for a long time.
Feng Shui Kitchen Tips for Wealth
The kitchen
and kitchen equipments and appliance such as kettle, stove and rice cooker, etc are a
powerful wealth qi producer. They are so powerful that correct
placement often bring wonderful luck. The correct feng shui
arrangement of the kitchen brings wonderful money luck coupled
with health.
Feng Shui Bedroom Tips
All of us
spend a lot of time in the bedroom. You spend 7 to 8 hours sleeping. The
Feng Shui of
your bedroom affect you to a very large extend. Having the bed
placed against a solid wall on a auspicious location in relation to your bedroom door and windows is
very important if you wish to have good luck in romance,
relationship, descendent, health or wealth luck.
Feng Shui Office Tips
For a
Successful Career
The arrangement
of your office table in relation to the door of our office
room is very important for a person's career.
Tips for External Water Form
For the year
between 2004 to 2024, it is very fortunate to have real water
such as a natural lake or pond towards.
Tips for Site Selection
If you are a real estate
investor, you would be most familiar with
the 3 most important factors in property investment i.e "Location, location,
location". In
Feng Shui, these factors are also very important.
Tips for Date Selection
In Chinese
Astrology, the selection of an auspicious time for your important events
is very important if you wish to be successful or to ensure smooth
implementation of a new venture/project.
Tips on
Using a Compass
As a
beginner you do not need to invest in a Feng Shui Luo Pan.
What you really need is a good Western Compass for taking
direction. A good compass is much better than a sub-standard
Luo Pan.
Direction without Compass - Using the location of the Sun
Taking direction of your house without using compass is
not only possible but is much more accurate than any Luo Pan
or Compass. This is possible with the use of technology.
Tibetan Singing Bowl
Creating metal sound that is beautiful is one of the best feng shui remedy
for any home which is afflicted by constant bad luck during this period.
During this period which is known as period 8 in flying star school of
feng shui, the number 5 and 2 stars are two fearful and dangerous stars.
Beijing Olmypic
Common mistakes in Feng Shui
Common Home
design affliction
How to calculate you Kua
Easy Reference Kua Table
Wealth Qi Direction
8-Mansions Formula for Health
Tips on
Hiring a Feng Shui consultant
Yin Yang in Feng Shui |