
Feng Shui color and Feng Shui Shape

The use of color in feng shui and the use of shape in feng shui are the most basic feng shui remedy to reduce negative energy and to enhance the auspicious feng shui qi. The understanding of colors and shape in feng shui will guide a feng shui practitioner or feng shui master in the art of placement of feng shui items, feng shui cures, feng shui remedies and feng shui enhancers.

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Feng Shui Color & Shape
The practice of feng shui today has deviated from our ancestral teaching so much that today many feng shui practitioners and masters do not understand why their practice sometime work and sometime don't. All these are partly due to the fast wide spread information of the internet.

Classical feng shui practice teaches us that qi or energies are best represented by colors and shapes and the basic cycles are represented here.


The Production cycle of the 5 elements represented by colors and shapes


The Controlling cycle of the 5 elements represented by colors and shapes

Food for thought: If we look around us, everything in the world can be represented by the five shapes or colors called the "Wu Xing" in Chinese or commonly called the "5 Elements"



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