
Kitchen Feng Shui Tips
for wealth, family harmony and good relationship luck.
Feng Shui for Kitchen arrangement
and placement of stove, kettle, rice cooker and water sink

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Kitchen Feng Shui Tips - Kitchen feng shui for wealth, family harmony and good relationship.

The kitchen and kitchen equipments and appliance such as kettle, stove and rice cooker, etc are a powerful wealth qi producer and family harmony luck. They are so powerful that correct placement often bring wonderful money, family harmony and good relationship luck.

The kettle that you use to boil your water is one key wealth qi producer. Boil your water with the mouth of your kettle facing your wealth qi direction.


The stove is another powerful wealth qi producer. Place the stove in such a way that the gas inlet to your stove come from your wealth direction.


For any other electrical appliances such as electric oven, microwave oven, toaster, automatic water boiler, rice cooker place in such a way that the electrical wire socket faces your wealth qi direction.

More Kitchen Feng Shui Tips for wealth, family harmony and good relationship:-

Kitchen should not be in the center of the House.
Relocate the kitchen.


Kitchen should not face a toilet door.
Keep the toilet door close always.


The Stove should not be in the center of the House.
Relocate the stove


Stove should not be placed next to the sink.
: Place a vase with water plant in between the stove and the sink


Stove should not be placed opposite to the sink.
: Place a vase with water plant in between the stove and the sink


Stove should not be placed directly at the entrance of the kitchen.
: Relocate the stove

To find out your wealth qi direction, click here

For feng shui consultation, kitchen_feng_shui now


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