Tibetan Singing Bowl,
the best feng shui cure and feng shui remedy for evil feng shui star and sickness feng shui star to remedy or reduce the bad feng shui effect of the sickness and evil and disaster stars of the flying star and annual star in feng shui.

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Tibetan Singing Bowl

Creating metal sound that is beautiful is one of the best feng shui remedy for any home which is afflicted by constant bad luck during this period. During this period which is known as period 8 in flying star school of feng shui, the number 5 and 2 stars are two fearful and dangerous stars. Both these 2 negative stars are of the "earth" element and beautiful metal sound will weaken them and hence dissolve their negative effects.

There are a lots of commercial feng shui cures available, however, I found that the most powerful metal cure for bad luck during this period is the "Tibetan Singing Bowl". It is a very special metal bowl made of 7 metals that produces beautiful sound when strike with the accompanied mallet usually made of wood. It will "sing" meaning produces a beautiful resonance when the mallet is rubbed against the rim of the bowl in circular motion after striking it.

The beautiful sound is made possible because of the secret mixture of 7 metals each representing one the flying stars in feng shui and our human chakras. The 7 metals are gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and zinc. Each of the metal component also represent planets/stars of our solar system. Gold represent the Sun, Silver the Moon, Copper for Venus, Iron for Mars, Tin for Jupiter, Lead for Saturn and Zinc for Mercury.

If you possess a singing bowl, try it out in your home and you will immediately feel better and any obstacles will be dissolved.

Food for thought:

Why do churches use the metal bells or temples use the metal gongs or metal bells?


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