
House Hunting with Feng Shui - Part 1

Buying a Good Feng Shui House

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This series of articles is about feng shui house hunting. However, it is also applicable to finding the most auspicious business premise to start a new business or move your business to a new location. Hopefully this article will help you to find your ideal feng shui house or business premise. Good Luck.

House Hunting with Feng Shui - Part 1

Purchasing a new house is probably the biggest financial decision in anyone’s life. Get a house, which is well located and bring good luck to the whole family. You may either buy a brand new house, or do a major renovation to an old house. By this way, your family will move into a period 8 house, which is full of fresh qi and auspiciousness. Do not simply buy a low cost house or a house on auction, as most houses with bad feng shui are offered at a discount from the market price.

To read more about feng shui of house on auction or "Lelong", click here.  

Location, Location, Location

If you are a real estate investor, you would be most familiar with the 3 most important factors of property investment "Location, location, location". In Feng Shui, these factors are also significant. Wherever you choose to buy or rent a house, the location is the most important factor.

Location is important, as the external landscape is something that you cannot change. Fortunately, you can enhance or cure the feng shui of your house by changing the interior layout of your house. Sometime, a major renovation is needed and this is going to be expensive and messy. Plus, all the delay and heart-ache of moving into your dream house. But, any correction you make, is trying to avoid "sha qi" to improve the feng shui of your new dream house. You cannot move external mountains or water body or create external mountains and water bodies to create "sheng qi". In short, you can correct the landscape within your property, but you cannot change the external surrounding and landscape.

Anyway, what shall we examine about the external surrounding and landscape?

Firstly, get a map of the area, where the house is located. The map should show the hills, roads, rivers and other important features in feng shui. Roughly mark out a 3km radius boundary around the house. Then, drive around within a 3km radius of the house to observe the environmental forms that may affect the quality of qi in the area.

If you are internet savvy, "google earth" is a very useful tool that can assist you. Google earth will show you mountains, water, and structures that you will miss out.


What Shall I Observe?

While you are driving within the 3km radius, consider the shape of land, type of land, mountain, landscape and water body. Finding good land, mountain and water are important in evaluating the Feng Shui of your dream house. The presence of water and mountain are important for the creation and generation of sheng qi in any environment. However, when the mountains and water bodies are located in the inauspicious direction to your dream house, "sha qi" is abundance. Then, it is bad feng shui. Avoid buying the house.

Note that buildings can be substituted for mountains, while roads, highways, junction, and roundabout are modern equivalent of rivers or virtual water. Examine the mountain and water in the environment to seek balance and harmony.


Land shapes determine what kind of qi the land carries, and how much qi the land can store or hold. Square shape signifies balanced, stability and security. It is the safest option, and it is less likely to be affected by any negative sha qi that occurs.

Another point, good land is a land that can receive and contain qi. Avoid land that is excessively steep. Note that gentle slopes are better than land that is completely flat. The ideal land is slightly higher behind, and lowers in front.



A good mountain is green, lush and gentle in appearance, with rounded tops. Such mountains are healthy, and it produces benevolent qi. On the contrary, bad mountains look rocky, steep and sharp with pointy tops. Besides that, mountains that have naturally collapsed, have been blasted, or mountains that have no trees are also bad mountains. However, when every single mountain looks the same, it indicates qi is unified, and qi flows well with harmony.

Additionally, consider the ranges of mountains as well, when hunting for your dream house.

Ranges of mountains:

  • High Level Dragons

High Level Dragons are found in areas that are in excess of 2000 meters above the sea level. These are not suitable locations for a house.

  • Mid-Level Dragons

Mid-Level Dragons are found where the lower parts of the mountain is undulating and tapering towards water bodies. This dragon is suitable for houses.

  • Flat Land Dragons

Flat Land Dragons applies to areas, where there are very slight or absolutely no form in the land at all. Note that gentle slopes are better than land that is completely flat. The ideal land is slightly higher behind, and lowers in front.  

The most popular form school of feng shui is the Green Dragon, White Tiger, Black Turtle and Red Phoenix. The landscape feng shui is part of the mountain feng shui school. It is very auspicious, if a house has such configuration. But, the qi map of the Qi school of feng shui has to be taken into the evaluation, as it has great impact on the type of qi.

Note that buildings are also qi containers, which enable you to tap and harness qi in the environment. Avoid some negative features, as they either obstruct the flow of qi to your house, or emit negative qi to your house.

I will describe comprehensively about examining the water formations while evaluating the Feng Shui of your house in my next article.


If you can buy a good feng shui house,

why buy a house that is broken in feng shui, then try to fix it.

If the feng shui of the house is already bad, your feng shui master can only help you to fix the internal of your house to avoid the "sha qi" but there is no "sheng qi" to tap. Your feng Shui Master cannot fix the external environment or landscape. He or she can only help you to avoid the bad structure or "sha qi" to improve your house feng shui.

Fixing a bad feng shui house is just trying to improve a lousy feng shui house to a house that is not that bad in feng shui. In the first place, if you can find and buy a good feng shui house, why not? Maybe, you have very little feng shui knowledge. This is not a problem. Get a feng shui master to help you in your house hunting adventure. We at 1Fengshui.com offer feng shui house hunting service, and Master TY Tan will personally work with you to find the ideal feng shui house.

Master TY Tan can be contacted by Tel : 018 - 38 128 38 for an appointment for a free preliminary discussion.

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Feng Shui is also spelled as fengshui, fengsui, feng sui, fong shui, fung shui, or feng shway because of the many dialects in Chinese society.