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Feng Shui Tips for August 2013 

We have just gone into the second half of the solar year of the "Water Snake" on the 7th August 2013. How have you been doing? Was your luck great or lousy? If you are enjoying good luck the last 5 months, the 7th solar month starting from 7th August is going to be even better. However, if you are having a miserable life, it is going to be worse. Be prepared to lie low. Why?

In 2013, from 7th August to 7th September, the moving monthly time star for every sectors is going to be the same as the annual star. Together, these stars are going to be doubly powerful, and you will experience the real effect of goodness or badness.

So, what should we do? What are the remedies or cures? There is no one single answer for all. Different sectors will have a different effect. Hence, different action is needed.

For example
For houses that have the main door located in the North East, the people will enjoy doubly good money luck, because annual star 8 is accompanied by month star 8. You may wish to try your luck with lotto.

Or, if your bedroom is located in the South West sector, beware of sickness. The double 2s will be exceptionably power. If you have the option of using another bedroom for a month, then, you should. If not, you will need to double up the remedy against the sickness energy with extra "Wu Lo".

Note: Coincidently, the 7th Lunar month which is the "hungry ghost" month as observed by most Chinese, also begins on the 7th August. This is an inauspicious month that most Chinese would avoid for any important or happy occasions.     

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