Business Feng Shui
for business premises
such as corporate offices, small offices, retail stores, shops or
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This series of
articles is about business feng shui for business premises for
business operation.
Business feng shui formula
is different from residential feng shui formula. In business feng shui,
the focus is on 'yang' Qi. The use of 'yin' Qi is not applicable. It is 'yang' Qi management and
the use of 'yang' Qi in
business processes to attain high efficiency and effectiveness.
Hopefully this article will help you to find your ideal business
premise feng shui such as corporate offices, small offices, retail
stores, shops or factories. Good Luck.
Business Feng Shui - Water &
Buildings act as virtual
exterior feng shui,
buildings are virtual mountains while roads and highways are
modern equivalent of rivers i.e. virtual rivers. Hence, buildings
and roads influence the feng shui of a space or your business
Road as virtual river
Road acts as river and vehicles acts as
Cities have qi movement and qi reflection that are chaotic and
unpredictable as more buildings and roads are built. Traffic flows
are re-planed and diverted regularly.
These add to changes in qi flow and
qi settlement, hence making external feng shui change
frequently which resulted in rise and fall of business
interior feng shui, note that the furniture such as a wall cabinets,
partitions, tables, cupboard, sofa and others are equivalent to
Besides the interior water feature, the open spaces are considered as
virtual water. Pathways act as river and human traffic act as water.
Hence the flow of qi and it take an experienced feng shui master to sees
the way qi flows and settles inside a business premise.
The way an office is planned and the layout directs human activities
which resulted in qi flows and settlement,
Note that a moving elevator is also equivalent
to a moving river in a shopping centre. The elevator acts as river and
human traffic acts as water. If the elevator is moving towards your shop
or office, there is qi moving towards your business premise. However, if
the qi that is coming towards your business premise if fortunate, your
business will prosper. How your business prospers will depend on the ype
of qi coming to your premise. On the other hand, if the on-coming
qi is unfortunate, your business will be doomed, and your business fails
the type of qi will tell the story.

If you have a good business model and strategies and you have worked
very hard and smart, but, your business is still not making you a
profit and you face cashflow problem regularly,
why not fix it with feng shui.
If your business is
already profitable because of good business and marketing
strategies, your business efficiency and effectiveness could be
further enhanced with the use of the invisible Qi of Feng Shui to
improve, retain and sustain your profitability and cashflow.
Master TY Tan can be contacted by Tel
: 018 - 38 128 38 for an appointment for a free preliminary discussion.
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Feng Shui is
an ancient wisdom handed down by our ancestors and it is a living
skill in use throughout the Orient for many centuries. To the best of our
knowledge, all information on this website are sincere representation of the
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Feng Shui is also spelled as
fengshui, fengsui, feng sui, fong shui, fung shui, or feng shway because
of the many dialects in Chinese society.