Business Feng Shui
for business premises
such as corporate offices, small offices, retail stores, shops or
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This series of
articles is about business feng shui for business premises for
business operation.
Business feng shui formula
is different from residential feng shui formula. In business feng shui,
the focus is on 'yang' Qi. The use of 'yin' Qi is not applicable. It is 'yang' Qi management and
the use of 'yang' Qi in
business processes to attain high efficiency and effectiveness.
Hopefully this article will help you to find your ideal business
premise feng shui such as corporate offices, small offices, retail
stores, shops or factories. Good Luck.
Business Feng Shui
Increase Your Concentration,
Productivity, Prosperity and Abundance
you like your business to be more prosperous - making profit and
no cashflow problem?
Would you like a more harmonious
work environment that supports you and the people you work with?
How to increase your concentration
and productivity in work?
What to do when your staffs do not
get along?
Location, Location, Location
you are a real estate investor, you would be most familiar with the 3 most
important factors of property investment "Location, location, location".
In Feng Shui, these factors are
also significant. Wherever you choose to buy or rent a house or a business
premise, the location
is the most important factor.
This sound the same in my house hunting
for a good residential property. But, the principle of feng shui on the
'yin yang' aspect is different. The way the external mountain and water
(yin yang) is tap is different.
Location is important, as the external
landscape is something that you cannot change. Fortunately, you can
enhance or cure the feng shui of your business premise by changing the interior
layout of your office or factory. Sometime, a major renovation is needed and this is
going to be expensive and messy. Plus, all the delay and heart-ache. But, any correction you make, is trying to
avoid "sha qi" to improve the feng shui of your business premise. You
cannot move external mountains or water body or create external mountains
and water bodies to create "sheng qi". In short, you can correct the
landscape within your business premise, but you cannot change the external
surrounding and landscape.
Anyway, what shall we examine about the
external surrounding and landscape?
Firstly, get a map of the area, where the business premise is located. The map should
show the hills, roads, rivers and other important features in feng shui.
Roughly mark out a 3km radius boundary around the property. Then, drive
around within a 3km radius of the property to observe the environmental forms
that may affect the quality of qi in the area.
If you are internet savvy, "google earth" is a very useful tool that can
assist you. Google earth will show you mountains, water, and structures
that you will miss out.
Avoid irregular shaped property
of all, get a regular shaped business property with regular shaped office
rooms. Besides increasing work productivity, you can also apply compass
formula more effectively in a regular shaped business property.
that if the missing sector does not constitute more than one-third of the
section, then it is not considered as a missing sector. When there is a
missing sector, check what represents the missing sector trigram. Each
irregular shape sector has to be analysed separately.
Have open center
Basically, we should not
trap the heaven’s heart, which is the center of the office. Any “room”
including the toilet, storeroom, staircase, meeting room, office room or
any body of water should not be at the center of the office. An open
center will let qi flow freely.

Lastly, refer to all the
business feng shui articles for comprehensive explanation and description.
I explained thoroughly about what makes a good main entrance or a main
door, and what makes a good office room feng shui setting. Position the
office furniture to encourage a smooth flow of qi or energy.
Remember do not overlook
your reception area, office lobby and desk area as well. I also included
the new business premise hunting tips for those who want to seek for a new
business location or to move into new business location.

If you have a good business model and strategies and you have wrked
very hard and smart, but, your business is still not making you a
profit and you face cashflow problem regularly,
why not fix it with feng shui.
If your business is
already profitable because of good business and marketing
strategies, your business efficiency and effectiveness could be
further enhanced with the use of the invisible Qi of Feng Shui to
improve, retain and sustain your profitability and cashflow.
Master TY Tan can be contacted by Tel
: 018 - 38 128 38 for an appointment for a free preliminary discussion.
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Feng Shui is
an ancient wisdom handed down by our ancestors and it is a living
skill in use throughout the Orient for many centuries. To the best of our
knowledge, all information on this website are sincere representation of the
subject and makes no claim for absolute effectiveness.
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Feng Shui is also spelled as
fengshui, fengsui, feng sui, fong shui, fung shui, or feng shway because
of the many dialects in Chinese society.