
Flying Star Feng Shui
Feng Shui Prediction for 2011

The World, Malaysia, your home and your business premises 


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2011 Feng Shui Prediction - Flying Star Feng Shui

Flying Star Feng Shui prediction for 2011

  • The Wealth Star 8 will be located in North West in 2011. If we consider the world as the "Tai Ji", the North West sector is occupied by countries like United States and Canada. These countries are going to do well economically and prosper in 2011.

    If we consider Malaysia as the Tai Ji, the North West sector is occupied by Penang. In 2011, Penang is going to be doing very well economically.

    When we look at our own home as a Tai Ji, the North West sector is going to be occupied by the wealth star. Spending more time in this sector will enhance one's wealth luck.

    Below is the star distribution qi map for the world for 2011. This is slide No. 42 of the "2011 Update & Prediction seminar" that I presented on 16th January 2011 in 1FengShui Lecture room in Puchong.


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  • The Argument Star 3, the star that brings arguments, quarrels, disputes, legal cases and fights. Let's just called this the "Quarrel Star" for simplicity.

    The Quarrel star will be located in North in 2011. If we consider the world as the "Tai Ji", the North sector is occupied by countries like Europe and North African countries. These countries are going to be very unstable due to lots of disputes and the energy of Star 3 is already arriving before Li Chun. Revolution were already happening in Tunisia and Egypt. With the energy of Star 3 getting stronger and stronger as we get into 2011, bigger disputes is highly possible.

    If we consider Malaysia as the Tai Ji, the North sector is occupied by Kedah and part of Perak.  In 2011, these states will experience great disputes.

    When we look at our own home as a Tai Ji, the North sector is going to be occupied by the Quarrel star. Avoid spending time in this sector. If your bedroom or dining room is in this sector, move to another sector if there is option. If not, you have to place some red items to reduce the energy of Star 3. Otherwise, one can expect more ...... in the family.

    Below is the star distribution qi map for the world for 2011. This is slide No. 42 of the "2011 Update & Prediction seminar" that I presented on 16th January 2011 in 1FengShui Lecture room in Puchong.


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  • The "Misfortune" Star 5, the star that brings disaster, be it natural or man-made. This star is the most fearful star in flying star school of feng shui. It is commonly called “Wu Wang” or the 5 Yellow Star. Let's just call this the "5 Yellow” for simplicity.

    The 5 Yellow will be located in East in 2011. If we consider the world as a "Tai Ji", the East sector is occupied by countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, South India, Northern Australia, and a few central African Nations such as Congo, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Ethiopia. These countries are going to be very unstable due to lots of natural or man-made, calamities or disasters.

    If we consider Malaysia as a Tai Ji, the East sector is occupied by the states of Pahang, Sabah, and Sarawak. These states have to be prepared for natural or man-made calamities.

    When we look at our own home as a Tai Ji, the East sector is going to be occupied by the 5 Yellow. Avoid spending time in this sector. If your bedroom or dining room is in this sector, move to another sector if there is option. If not, you have to place lots of golden colored items in the east sector of your home to reduce the energy of Star 5. Avoid placing any form of active or moving water in the East. Avoid placing any items that is red in color in the East. Lastly, do not renovate the east sector of your house in 2011.

    Below is the star distribution qi map for the world for 2011. This is slide No. 42 of the "2011 Update & Prediction seminar" that I presented on 16th January 2011 in 1FengShui Lecture room in Puchong.


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For Feng Shui and 4 pillars of destiny or paht chee charting purpose, the year 2011 does not start on New Year Day of 2011 i.e. 1st January 2011 or the Chinese New Year of 2011. The Chinese New Year of 2011 falls on the 3rd February 2011 and this is the 1st day of the lunar calendar.

For the purpose of Feng Shui or Paht Chee reading, the year 2011 or the year of the Rabbit starts on 4th February 2011 at 12.34 hour (120E). This day is the beginning of spring called Li Chun of the solar (Hsia) Calendar. For paht chee or 4 pillars destiny reading purposes, on 4th February 2011 at 12.34 hour (120E) the animal sign changes from the "Tiger" to the "Rabbit". 
From my personal experience, most Chinese does not know the year of the Rabbit will starts on 4th February 2011. They would relate their birth year animal sign wrongly by following the Lunar Calendar.

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