There are three components in water feng shui
including the body of water, flow of water and the water mouth.

The body of
water is to retain wealth. The larger the body of water, the amount of qi
retained or accumulated will be more.
The flow of water is to enhance income, so make sure the
flow of water is directed towards your main door or window. It must be visible
from the house. The flow must be smooth and strong but not to fast.
The water
mouth, which is also known as the wealth spot is the location within the
entire water form which is the most vibrant. Activating the
water mouth is the most powerful feng shui secret for wealth
and income enhancement.
"Feng" means wind and "Shui" means water in Chinese. Feng Shui
is the study, understanding and dealing with wind and water.
The classic
statement, in the book of burial by Master Guo Pu, Jin Dynasty
“the WIND disperse the QI and WATER will contain it”
was the
main study of classical feng shui students and masters for
In this context,
qi refers to energy. Qi is carried and dispersed by wind and
it is retained by water when it meets water. Wind is the
transporter and water is the accumulator of qi.
We cannot
control the direction that wind comes and goes from a site.
But water, being an accumulator of qi, can direct the flow of
qi. With water feng shui formula, we can build a water feature
with a flow and it is this flow that directs the qi to bring
fortune or misfortune to the site.
Water is the most potent Feng Shui enhancer or remedy
for good luck if place on the right location (Wealth Spot) and at the
right time with the correct flow and body of water.
Once your wealth spot for the house is located, you may wish to
build or purchase a ready made water feature to activate your income and wealth luck.
You have to be aware that there is a different between a flow
of water and a body of water. A flow of water is an income
enhancer and a body of water is a wealth accumulator. The
water flow has to be oriented to flow towards a door or a
window if placed outside the house.
If placed inside the house
the water must never be placed to flow out towards a door or
window. For water flow inside the house orientate the flow
towards the center of the house. This is one of the most
important basic principle of water feng shui.
Examples of location water mouth (Wealth Spot)
The location and direction the water mouth in
relation to the main door of a built-structure such as
residential home, condominium, apartment, shopping complexes,
offices complexes, factories, etc is the utmost important feng
shui arrangement to attract wealth and money for the