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Feng Shui Fashion - Enhance your luck with fashion

Are you aware that when you wear different outfits, you actually feel differently about yourself? For example, wearing formal costume to work makes you feel smarter, and boosts your confidence. Besides feeling better, people react positively to you as well.

You may have figured out the Feng Shui of your house and office. But, have you ever wondered how Feng Shui can be applied to your costume? Some outfits work better than others. Do you feel better in brown than black? Why? In fact, it is related with your most useful or annoying qi of your birth chart.

Feng Shui is defined as a way of living in harmony with the environment to achieve certain goals of well being. Since garments are our most intimate environment, it is suggested to apply the Feng Shui principles and philosophy to our personal appearance. Ensure a harmonious collection by having wardrobes that have complete harmony with your inner and outer self.

Like Feng Shui for houses, the first step for Feng Shui fashion is to declutter. How to fix the cluttered closet anyway? There are a few steps of fixing the cluttered closet including separating your clothing, spacing and organizing. I will provide detailed elaboration about fixing the cluttered closet in my next article.
Besides that, make sure your closet is bright enough, so that you can see everything inside your closet without effort. Brighter lighting can make the difference between a pleasant and a frustrating closet experience.

In future, only buy clothes, if you really love it. Kingston says that most of us wear 20 percent of our wardrobe 80 percent of the time. Take the 20 percent pledge. There is no point in buying clothes that will end up in the 80 percent pile.

Next, the more you keep everything in your closet organized and up to date, the more likely you will start your day off in a better mood. Where and how we keep our clothes, and what we choose to wear can have a subtle influence in our lives.

After you learned about how to fix the cluttered closet in my next article, you will learn about how Feng Shui color and shape relates to fashion in the other articles. Do not follow the fashion of the season blindly, because what is in the trend may not suit you! Personalized Feng Shui fashion is the analysis of color and cutting of clothing, which best suits you, based on your birth chart.

This article is contributed by Ben Jane., student of 1FengShui.




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